Rada Fundacji

Piotr Sobolewski

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Chairman of Amicus Society in Białystok. Piotr Sobolewski has years of experience in managing project implementation, working on projects such as: “Twinning – winning”. Success achieved through partnership” (coordinator) within the resources of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ “Support for citizen and self-government dimension of Poland’s foreign policy 2013” (project implemented in 2013), “Children-friendly and working parents-friendly kindergarten in Białystok” within Human Capital Operational Programme (HCOP) point 1.3.2 (coordinator), “My business - my opportunity” implemented within HCOP action 6.2 (coordinator), Coordinator of the Regional Training Centre in Białystok within Project “National Programme of Sports Staff Education” within HCOP point 4.4.2, “EUROFUNDS FOR WARSAW Advisory Centre” by order of the Capital City of Warsaw (supervision of project implementation), Director of European Commission Information Point “EUROPE DIRECT” by order of the European Commission, project settlement coordinator in “Vote for Europe - Choose Europe” implemented by order of the European Commission, coordinator of “Euro for sport” project by order of the Ministry of Regional Development within Technical Assistance Operational Programme. Moreover, he possesses valuable professional experience in restructuring businesses, designing organisational structures, and consulting in the Polish telecommunications market. Thanks to completed training, he acquired qualifications and skills in leading human resources, interpersonal communication, negotiation, risk and crisis management, outsourcing, and project management. Member of several non-government organisations, including the Polish Consulting and Advisory Association and the Podlaskie Regional Tourism Organisation. Also, he is the author of several publications - “Historical and tourist guide on the cultural heritage of the borderland. Poland-Lithuania-Kaliningrad” (Editor), series of periodicals titled “My Little Europe” - a five-language publication on the issue of cultural heritage, cultural, national and religious minorities (editor), a training package with a CD prepared for the participants of the “School in the region, the region in Europe” project.





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