


TEAM-EU-UA - Development of Team Spirit for the Implementation and Incorporation of EU Values in Ukraine

Type of Action: ERASMUS-LS
Acronym: TEAM-EU-UA
Number: 101177873
Duration: 36 months
Start Date: 01 Nov 2024
Requested EU Contribution: €188,662.40

Youth. Science. Sports. Healthy Movement of Ukraine (Ukraine) - Coordinator
Instytut Rozwokju Sportu i Edukacji (Poland)
European School Sport Federation (Belgium)
Ukrainian federation of school sports (Ukraine)
Sumy Makarenko State Pedagogical University (Ukraine)

The implementation of the project "Development of Team Spirit for the Implementation and Incorporation of EU Values in Ukraine" (TEAM-EU-UA) is aimed at promoting social integration through sports. It encourages participation in sports and physical activities, enhancing the potential of partner organizations and implementing best practices to support schoolchildren, including displaced children, living in the EU and Ukraine. The project includes organizing sports and environmental events. Special attention in the project is given to children with special educational needs to strengthen their sense of identity and belonging to the European community through exposure to various cultural and sporting events. Additionally, the project encompasses aspects of gender equality through sports, skill development, post-conflict reconciliation, and the dissemination and implementation of new methods, tools, and practices in informal education and training. It also includes practical training for future physical education teachers in universities. This comprehensive approach addresses current challenges and contributes to the long-term development and integration of various groups into the broader European context. Type and number of target groups that benefit from the project: schoolchildren (including migrant children) living in the EU and Ukraine (students, etc.), including children with special educational needs, teachers, famous athletes, civil servants, politicians, and representatives of public organizations in the field of work: sports, youth, children (over 1160 people).Pierwsze spotkanie w ramach nowego projektu "TEAM-EU-UA -  Development of Team Spirit for the Implementation and Incorporation of EU Values in Ukraine.


Pierwsze spotkanie w ramach nowego projektu "TEAM-EU-UA - Development of Team Spirit for the Implementation and Incorporation of EU Values in Ukraine"

16.11.2024 r. w imieniu IRSiE Piotr Kociszewski i Oskar Rosa uczestniczyli w pierwszym spotkaniu (Kick-off meeting) nowego projektu "TEAM-EU-UA - Development of Team Spirit for the Implementation and Incorporation of EU Values in Ukraine" rozpoczętego 1.11.2024 r.

IRSiE jest jednym z dwóch partnerów spoza Ukrainy - razem z European School Sport Federation z Belgii. Podczas pierwszego spotkania omówiono założenia i etapy realizacji projektu. Przedstawiciele IRSiE dokonali prezentacji organizacji, podkreślając szerokie doświadczenie w realizacji projektów o tematyce sportowej, jak i kulturowej oraz turystycznej.
IRSiE będzie w projekcie liderem jednego z etapów (WP2), którego celem będzie zbudowanie sieci współpracy oraz wymiana dobrych praktyk. Jesteśmy pełni dobrej energii także dlatego, że kolejne bezpośrednie spotkanie całego zespołu projektowego odbędzie się w Warszawie w marcu 2025 r., a IRSiE będzie jego gospodarzem!

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