Projekty Archiwalne



CulTour Design - Enriching Digital Design Competences for the empowerment of Cultural Tourism

Programme: Erasmus+
Action Type: KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education
Call: 2021
Round: Round 1
Field: Adult Education Project
Title: Enriching Digital Design Competences for the empowerment of Cultural Tourism
Project Acronym: CulTour Design
Project Start Date: 1.01.2021
Project End Date: 31.12.2023
Agreement № 2021-1-RO01-KA220-ADU-000033461

Institut National de Cercetare Dezvoltare in Turism (Romania) – Leader
Asociacion de Innovacion Emprendimiento y Tecnologias de la Informacion y la Comunicacion (Spain)
Komicha LTD (Bulgaria)
INNOPOLIS Centre for Innovation and Culture (Greece)
EPI FIVE Sp. z o.o. (Poland)
Hearthands Solutions Limitec (Cyprus)
Instytut Rozwoju Sportu i Edukacji (Poland)

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The current project addresses innovative up-skilling practices based on experiential learning in order to equip low-skilled adult with the creativity and digital skills required in the cultural tourism sector within the context of a digital post-crisis world. The purpose is to enable them to create their own digital cultural tourist guide, while promoting local culture towards sustainable tourism. More specifically, the project aims at empowering low-skilled adults especially from rural areas to promote Cultural Tourism (CT) resources by developing their skills in Digital Design & Digital Thinking towards the digital transformation of CT. As the new era in cultural tourism integrates the concept of digital cultural tourist into cultural life, adult job seekers should be up-skilled with competences that allow them to become competitive among the close and yet vying industry of CT. Upon project completion, participants will have a deep understanding in digital design principles and be able not only to map out digital content that promotes local culture values but also to manage the tones of resources available in cultural life (museum exhibits, local products/food, places to visit, etc.) in an entreating manner.
This will be facilitated by the creation of a practical interactive online course for adults already working, willing to work or left jobless in the field of CT due to the crisis. The course will be complemented by a cloud-based tool that will allow them to create their own digital cultural tourist guide, based on a pre-defined scientific methodology.

Specific objectives:

  • To create a series of handbooks for adults' up-skilling including practical examples of how Digital Thinking & Digital Design is applied in Cultural Tourism
  • To develop a virtual assistant that will guide and support the participants in creating their own project, namely their ownl Digital Tourist Guide
  • To build an online European Network serving as a community of practice and giving the opportunity to the project network to work towards affecting European policies for cultural heritage tourism.

Target groups:

  • Direct:

o Low-skilled adults from rural areas that already have working experience in heritage tourism or are interested in promoting heritage tourism
o Low-skilled adults that are interested in improving their digital competences

  • Indirect:

o Adult trainers/educators
o Adult training organizations
o Tourism organizations
o Organizations related to the creative/cultural industry
o NGOs or other organizations/authorities taking initiatives towards sustainable development
o Digital designers / Digital design / e-Learning companies
o Policy makers.

In alignment with the aforementioned objectives, specific activities based on Agile methodology are going to be implemented:

  • A needs validation report serving as the basis of the white paper stating the current situation in partner countries regarding the post-COVID heritage tourism activities and the skills required to overcome tourism unemployment.
  • The development of practical handbooks for low-skilled adults with useful guidelines and examples of Digital Design principles in Cultural Tourism Promotion
  • The configuration of a virtual tool that will foster the hybrid skills of participants towards empowering them to promote their own Digital Cultural Tourist Guide.
  • The establishment of a strong network inside and outside the partnership towards the creation of CulTour Design synergies of practice through a digital community especially developed for the project enthusiasts.
  • Project, Quality, Sharing & Promotion, Piloting and Exploitation plans supporting all the horizontal activities that will establish the impact of the project through top quality results.
  • Development of an Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) agreement to be signed among all partners ensuring the exploitation of the project and including succession schemes and revenue models.

The intangible results that will insure the project impact after its completion are: -Raising awareness about the current situation and actions taken in-response to COVID-19 as well as the impact on cultural tourism.

  • Implementation of novel ICT-enabled training methods for skills development helping rural citizens and tourism professionals to acquire digital skills while safeguarding the cultural sector.
  • Enhancement of smart solutions and e-learning strategies in E&T within the context of cultural and creative sectors turning to online solutions due to the crisis confinement.
  • Incorporation of open educational resources (OERs) and open software in the learning process complemented by motivating online learning activities
  • Development of a wide network of stakeholders providing the opportunity to open a dialogue among cultural tourism communities
  • Affecting policies related to cultural tourism initiatives across the EU

The main tangible project results to be available upon its completion are:

  1. A series of inclusive handbooks especially developed for adults seeking job opportunities in the cultural tourism sector. The handbooks aim at enhancing the digital skills of low-skilled adults with a focus on those from rural areas, focusing on the main aspects of Digital Design and Digital Thinking for efficient Cultural Tourism Promotion.
  2. A cloud-based assistant that provides pathways to users allowing them to put their newly acquired digital skills into practice while enhancing their hybrid skills (technical and non technical). Through this tool, low-skilled adults will be able to create their own cultural tours, utilizing digital thinking principles to design virtual products that promote their local culture and safeguard tourism sustainability.
  3. The CulTour Digital European Community that constitutes a dedicated online space serving as a single point of information and communication for the project practitioners and interested parties under the scope of increasing the project network and thus impact among European creative/cultural industries and policy making authorities.


24 października 2022 r. przedstawiciele #IRSIE Piotr Kociszewski i Kazimierz Waluch uczestniczyli w II spotkaniu projektowym CulTour Design - Enriching Digital Design Competences for the empowerment of Cultural Tourism w Saragossie, w Hiszpanii.

Podczas spotkania partnerzy omawiali techniczne aspekty realizacji pierwszej części projektu i jej rezultatów oraz dyskutowali o założeniach części 2 projektu, dotyczącej utworzenia platformy internetowej związanej z turystyką kulturową. Część spotkania poświęcona była także omówieniu działań związanych z upowszechnianiem i promocją rezultatów.






25 kwietnia 2023 r. w Warszawie, w siedzibie Grupy Uczelni Vistula odbyło się spotkanie partnerów projektu CulTour. Omówione zostały postępy prac w ramach WP1 (Manual) oraz WP2 (platforma), a także WP3. Zaprezentowane zostały wyniki badań jakościowych projektu. Doprecyzowano zadania na najbliższy czas oraz ustalono terminy kolejnych spotkań (Grecja i Cypr) oraz szkolenia w Grecji.
IRSiE reprezentowali: Piotr Kociszewski i dr Kazimierz Waluch. 
29-31 sierpnia 2023 r. w Egion, Grecja, odbyło się szkolenie w ramach projektu CulTour Design. Partnerzy dyskutowali na temat przygotowanych materiałów Hanbooks oraz platformy internetowej.
IRSiE podczas szkolenia reprezentowali: Adam Kozłowski oraz Kazimierz Waluch.

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Ostatanie spotkanie projektowe CulTour Design

W dniu 10.11.2023 r. w Larnace na Cyprze odbyło się ostatnie spotkanie partnerów (Transnational Project Meeting) w ramach projektu DIGICULT.

Partnerzy podsumowali zrealizowane działania i przetestowali edukacyjną platformę cyfrową. Ponadto omówili ostatnie elementy projektu związane z jego promocją oraz organizacją wydarzeń na poziomie każdego z krajów. Przed nami kolejne ciekawe działania, jeszcze w tym roku.



W poniedziałek 11.12.2023 r. @PiotrKociszewski w imieniu #IRSIE spotkał się z uczniami Powiatowego Zespołu Szkół Ponadpodstawowych im. Jerzego Siwińskiego w Legionowie - technikum o profilu "Technik Organizacji Turystyki", w ramach krajowej edycji spotkań podsumowujących projekt DIGICULT (multiplier event).
Była to okazja do przedstawienia Słuchaczom założeń projektu, etapów jego realizacji oraz wypracowanych efektów. Piotr zaprezentował platformę projektu, na której dostępne są opracowania tematyczne przygotowane przez poszczególnych Partnerów, a także omówił zakres zadań IRSIE.
Szczególnie istotne było pokazanie przyszłym pracownikom sektora turystyki głównych wątków projektu, tj. znaczenia #technologiicyfrowych i możliwych rozwiązań w tym zakresie we współpracy z różnymi odbiorcami #turystykikulturowej.
Dziękujemy Dyrekcji Technikum PZSP Legionowo oraz prof. Tomaszowi Święcickiemu za możliwość współpracy przy organizacji tego wydarzenia.
Zdjęcia: Tomasz Święcicki
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