Projekty Archiwalne


pdf1st Event Be-Eu
pdf2nd Event Be-Eu

Europe for Citizens - Programme Guide 2014-2020 / 2.2: Network of Towns

EU is crossing structural crisis, which is undermining its principles. Due to the economic and immigrants crises, European citizens think that things are going in the wrong direction. In this context, characterized by a serious lack of solidarity between member states, this project stems from the desire to work together in order to restore confidence and strengthen solidarity between member states.

The project intends to develop a sustainable network starting from the assumption that European solidarity (between members countries) is undermined by the raising of Euroscepticism and the currently perceived credibility gap of the EU can only be reduced with the strengthening of the concept of Solidarity, seen as founding principle. The EU solidarity is intended as a series of norms and values uniting not only its members but also citizens. However this concept is politically questioned. The planned activities will revolve around debates and discussions about the meaning of “European Solidarity”, in order to spread the message that it is the moral aspect of solidarity that provides the basis for the politically solidarity. The Solidarity will be also promoted through the active involvement the European Solidarity Corps. The project intend to promote volunteering, especially of youth people, not only as a form of solidarity but also as an essential element of the active citizenships which generates strong citizens’ commitment in society and political life.

The objectives of the project are:

  • Promote the EU funding principle of Solidarity between member states and overcome national egoisms;
  • Debate on the future of the EU;
  • Debate on the European Policies and strategies;
  • Reflect on the understanding of Euroscepticism, explaining the benefits of the EU integration and the cost of no Europe;
  • Promote, through the involvement of the European Solidarity Corps (youth people), the commitment of citizens;
  • Debate on the European crises and identify a common approach.

Duration of the project: January-December 2018 (4 European Events/Seminars organized)

Lead Applicant:

Municipality of Wiernsheim (Germany)

Focus Europe (Italy-Belgium)


  • IFALL - Integration For Alla (Sweden)
  • Mittetulundusuhing Peipsi Koostoo Keskus (Estonia)
  • Consulting and Development Partners - Shkoder (Albania)
  • Instytut Rozwoju Sportu i Edukacji (Poland)
  • United Societis of Balkans Astiki Etaireia (Greece)
  • Unione Montana dei Comuni delle Valli Chisone e Germanasca (Italy)
  • Municipality of Haz Zebbug (Malta)
  • No Profit Association NEAR (Italy)
  • Comune di Capoterra (Italy)





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