Editorial requirements
- The submitted article should not have been previously published and should not be under consideration to be published elsewhere, except in the form of an abstract, a published lecture, or an academic thesis.
- Submission of the article implies that authors have full intellectual rights to the text, including copyright and the right to publish, and that authors and relevant institutions, where applicable, approve its publication by the Foundation IRSiE.
- Texts should be submitted electronically to dr Kazimierz Waluch, the publication Editor-in-Chief at Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.
- The editorial board reserves the right to carry out indispensable abridgements, editorial and other corrections in the submitted materials to ensure compliance with the requirements listed below.
- Authors of the published articles will receive a single copy of the publication in an electronic format (.pdf). Printed copies of the publication will be available upon request (subject to postage & packaging charges).
- author’s first and last name
- affiliation
- e-mail address
- title of the paper
- article abstract
- keywords (6 keywords at maximum)
- introduction
- main part
- summary
- references
- article size – 20,000-30,000 characters with spaces (including figures and tables)
- article abstract – 1,000-1,500 characters with spaces
- text in English language only, standard MsWord .doc format
- font: Times New Roman, 12 points
- 1.5 line spacing
- margins: 2.5 cm on all sides
- text justified (left and right)
- foreign words in italics
- long quotations (longer than three lines) in a free-standing block
- references, comments, digressions, and other notes placed in footnotes at the bottom of page
- italicised Latin acronyms applicable in case of repeated references (such as: op. cit., ibid., loc. cit.)
- drawings, graphs and diagrams should be submitted separately in XLS or CDR formats
- photographs should be submitted separately in TIF or JPG formats (minimum resolution of 300 dpi)
- all illustrations: drawings, graphs, tables, diagrams and photographs should be clearly referred to in the text (e.g., see Fig.1, see Table 2, etc.)
- all embedded illustrations and mathematical formulas should be submitted as separate files, numbered and described to allow identification (Table 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3 etc.), their position clearly marked in the text by the way of a number and full reference (source) to enable correct text reassembly before publication.
- arranged alphabetically (without numbering) by author last names (surnames) or by work titles
- full reference entry should contain (for non-serial publications): author’s surname and initial of author’s name {dot, comma} publication title in italics {comma} publisher name {comma} place and year of publishing {full stop}
- Smith M., Culture, University of South Carolina, Columbia 2002.
- full reference entry for chapters or articles in books: author’s surname and initial of author’s name {comma} article title in italics [in:] editor’s full surname and initial of editor’s name (ed.) {comma} publication title in italics {comma} publisher name {comma} place and year of publishing {full stop}
- Scharf F. W., The European Social Model: Coping with the Challenge of Diversity [in:] Weiler J.H. (ed.), Integrating in an Expanding European Union, Reassessing the Fundamentals, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford 2003.
- journal articles: author’s surname and initial of author’s name’s {comma} article title in italics [in:] journal title in quotation marks {comma} issue number of the journal {comma} year of publishing {full stop}
- Long J., Cultureas a factor of economic development, “Journal of Culture”, n. 201, 2013.
- online sources: author’s surname and initial of author’s name {comma} text title in italics {comma} name of website {comma} full internet address [Access date: dd.mm.yyyy] {full stop}
- Spencer-Oatey H., What is Culture? A Compilation of Quotations, University of Warwick,
https://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/al/globalpad/openhouse/interculturalskills/globalpad-whatis_culture.pdf [Access date: 12.08.2016].