


REMIND - Remote remembrances to foster the future: Traditional Sport and Games potential
Type of Action: ERASMUS-LS (ERASMUS Lump Sum Grants)
Proposal number: 101134177
Proposal acronym: REMIND
Type of Model Grant Agreement: ERASMUS Lump Sum Grant
Duration: 24 month
Requested EU Contribution: €250,000.00

Association Européenne des Jeux et Sports Traditionnels - AEJeST (France) – Leader
MV International (Italy)
Instytut Rozwoju Sportu i Edukacji (Poland)
Institut Nacional d'Educació Física de Catalunya (Spain)
Trakya Doga Spolari Ihtisas Kulubu Dernegi (Turkiye)
Infinitivity Design Labs (France)
Vlaamse Traditionele Sporten VZW (Belgium)

There is an important presence of traditional games within the European Community, each with its own history, tradition, evolution, rules, dating back to centuries. However, though these games are still played in local communities -even if in very limited geographical perimeters- there is often a lack of codes and regulatory sources that give them authority and dignity. Firstly, the lack of an appropriate transcription of these games is therefore dangerous, as it can lead to their dispersion and thus their abandonment and disappearance: a loss from a cultural, historical, and sporting perspective for the entire community. Secondly, the lack of regulation both at local, regional and national level, prevents also local communities to exploit TSG as an opportunity to grow and develop from a socio -economic perspective.
Therefore, "Remote remembrances to foster the future: Traditional Sport and Games potential - REMIND" aims at creating new opportunities, in the fields of education, culture, social and economic growth using Tradition Games (TG) as a flywheel.
With this premise, the project foresees to achieve these specific objectives:
Objective 1: To perform comparative research on the needs of the grassroots sport, socio-cultural organizations’ about the skills needed to exploit TSG as a tool to promote regional socio-economic development and on the untracked TSG at EU level that could be used as a flywheel to promote socio-economic regional development
Objective 2: To provide grassroots sport, socio-cultural associations staff members, with tools and innovative training materials containing a holistic approach applied to TSG to promote socio-economic regional development and foster the practice of physical activity among different target groups.
Objective 3: To create a network of grassroots sport, socio-cultural organizations at European level


II spotkanie projektowe REMIND

23 lutego 2024 r. odbyło się II spotkanie (online) w ramach europejskiego projektu na temat sportów i gier tradycyjnych: REMIND.
Partnerzy omawiali proces przygotowania ankiety, wstępne działania promocyjne dotyczące projektu i zaplanowali kolejne spotkanie, które odbędzie się we Francji.
IRSIE reprezentował dr Kazimierz Waluch i dr Agnieszka Muszyńska.
remind spotkanie





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