DU MOTION – collaborative partnership
Duration – 30 months
Coordinator: CROATIA, Dubrovnik sport association - DSA (Dubrovački savez športova)
BELGIUM, Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires asbl, IHF asbl
BULGARIA, Bulgarian Sports Development Association, BSDA
ITALY, Mine Vaganti NGO, MVNGO
POLAND, Instytut Rozwoju sportu i Edukacji, IRSiE
SWEDEN, Swedish Sports Confederation, Vasterboten, SSCV
TURKEY, Karasu Gençlik, Sanat ve Spor Kulübu Derneği, KARGENC CLUB
About the project:
The motive for the preparation of this project was the fact that one of the biggest challenges is problem how, when and where to educate volunteers well and then integrate them into the overall organization of the competition. Very often volunteers know a narrow part of their scope of work, but are not familiar with other services, with the competition system, the entire space where trainings and competitions take place, do not know the responsible people, etc. Just not knowing the entire system is demotivating to volunteers.
Through non-formal education, which will be carried out by experts with a long time in organizing various sport events and championships, the volunteers will be introduced to all services and tasks.
We emphasize that it is not critical which sport is in question, because the management of the organization of sports events is for the most part the same for all sports, the only difference is the level of competition from domestic, through regional and national, to European and World Championships.
With this project, we want to encourage volunteers to further actively engage not only in sporting events, but also in sports clubs and sports organizations, as they increase their competences, develop skills, and open up opportunities for employment, entrepreneurship and self-employment. Volunteers will also participate in international competitions outside of their country with additional value, acquire new knowledge, new acquaintances, and create positive networking. We emphasize that we will take special care when selecting volunteers to include people with disabilities and people from marginalized groups.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dumotionEPS
Web: https://du-motion.com/
DuMotion Meeting, Sakarya, Turkey – 5-6.07.2021 DU_MOTION_-_TPM4_meeting_minutes.pdf Du_Motion_TPM_4_Turkey_-_press.pdf
Instytut Rozwoju Sportu i Edukacji oraz Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Władysława Jagiełły w Płocku, współpracują w realizacji projektu DuMotion dotyczącego wolontariatu w sporcie.
W sobotę 21.08.2021 roku młodzież wzięła udział w 3. Nocnym Biegu w ZOO w Płocku.
Wolnatriusze Jagiellonka Maraton Dwóch Mostów, Płock, 12.09.2021
Finał projektu DuMotion. W spotkaniu w Dubrowniku (Chorwacja) uczestniczyła grupa wolontariuszy z Liceum Ogólnokształcącego im. Władysława Jagiełły w Płocku (Amelia Duch, Piotr Józefczyk, Weronika Rogala, Franciszek Sztupecki, Jakub Wilamowski, Kinga Jankowska, Nina Krzemińska) wraz z opiekunką dr Anną Araucz. MOSiR Płock reprezentował Marcin Radomski, a Fundację IRSiE Kazimierz Waluch. W dniu 1.05.2022 wolontariusze pracowali przy organizacji biegu DuMotion, a po południu wzięli udział w spotkaniu wszystkich wolontariuszy DuMotion. Po południu zwiedzali Dubrownik. Następnego dnia, tj. 2 maja, uczestniczyli w konferencji kończącej projekt DuMotion, z udziałem Ireny Smojver Ministra Turystyki i Sportu Republiki Chorwacji oraz Siniša Krajač, Sekretarza Generalnego Chorwackiego Komitetu Olimpijskiego. W imieniu wolontariuszy z Polski, na konferencji przemawiała Amelia Duch.