The language of the manuscript must be English
Format of the paper
The text should be formatted in one column-A4 page format. The text shoud be justified, 12-point double-spaced Times New Roman, and with standard margins (one inch). The manuscript should not exceed 25000 characteristics with tables, figures, references (including the spaces).However, in extraordinary situations bigger contributions can also be accepted. Do NOT use footnotes in the manuscript.
First page
The title page should include: -title of the manuscript: maximum 15 words; It should be centered, bold-faced, and in all capital letters in 14-point font. -names of authors, affiliation address, mobile phone and e-mail address of the corresponding author -Acknowledgement if necessary
Second page
Put again the title of the manuscript. Put the abstract (maximum 150 words) divided into sections: background, aim of the research, method, results and conclusions. Provide key words (4-6). Body of the article Do not use authors name, affiliations, e-mail adress etc. in the body of the manuscript. Divide your article into sections: Introduction; Material & Method; Results; Conclusions; Limitations. Sections should be bolded, 14-point Times New Roman. Do not number the sections.
Tabels and figures
All tabels and figures should be presented within the article. Each table and figure should be titled and numbered consecutively. All tabels and figures should be in black and white colours. References and citations Author(s) should follow the latest edition of APA 6 edition style in referencing and citations in the text. References list should be arranged alphabetically, not numbered.
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